What kind of questions can be answered with Realmatch360?

  • First lease pricing

    We should determine the prices for a first lease. We know the current market price, but the demand is increasing. By how much can we increase the rents?

    Linking demand with the ability to pay is the actual core of Realmatch360.
    In this way it can be determined for each size of residence at what price a residence can be leased and where the air thins, or where potential still lies unexploited.

  • Customer communication

    Our clients are complaining to us about high number of vacancies, but do not want to lower the rents. How should we make it clear to them that new leases at that price level are not feasible anymore?

    The Pricesetter tool from Realmatch360 shows at which prices a lease is realistic.
    Market backed data is often more convincing than opinions made individually.

  • New lease pricing

    The sale of the condominiums under construction is faltering. Is it necessary and sensible to adjust the price and to what extent should this be done?

    Realmatch360 shows detailed information of demand for number of rooms, square metres and ability to pay for each municipality and each market segment.
    This gives a clear indication if the reason for the poor absorption is based on the price.

Customers in this category

Marcel Frick

Marcel Frick,
Head of Rental Management Switzerland, Privera AG

We check the demand data from Realmatch360 for both new lettings and re-letting and are therefore closer to market prices - this also helps in our communication with our clients.

  • Regimo Gruppe: Immobiliendienstleistungsunternehmen
  • Immobilienmakler für Haus kaufen und verkaufen - REMAX SCHWEIZ
  • Verit Immobilien
  • Régie Immobilière Suisse - Gerofinance | Régie du Rhône

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